September 2022

TED Talk for ‘The Boy in the Tent’!


Coaching the remarkable Max Woosey who’s become a household name as ‘The Boy in the Tent’ for camping out for over TWO YEARS and raising over £700,000 for a local hospice charity was a whole new challenge for Pres Inc!

Imagine doing the biggest speech of your life aged just 12 in front of a live theatre audience of 1200 whilst being filmed on three cameras for a high profile Ted Talk that’s about to be shown around the world?! 

Luckily Max is no stranger to doing ‘live’ set ups for the global media on TV and Radio shows but this was a different beast and totally daunting for someone so young.  You have to get your head around how YOU like to present, what works for you? Do you like to shoot from the hip, riff from your cue cards or pick up from a few key bullet points? Max preferred the latter and we made sure he kept his running order simple and easy to navigate; honing in on the detail of a few strong stories was the key but also getting the audience on side to help relax him at the start and making sure that the Intro and the Outro were the strongest parts of his speech. 

It was a massive learning curve for Max and he’ll now be way ahead of his own peer group when he runs for head boy in a few years time!  Good solid presenting skills are the absolute gateway to a lifetime of communicating and it’s an art to embrace and not to be afraid of. The more you do, the better you get and Max devoured his performance notes and brought it home - much to the pride of his parents and us here at Pres Inc.  Go Max for PM!  

If you or your team need any professional performance coaching from real broadcasters then do get in touch -